We’re always innovating, constantly developing, and continually refining. Keep up to date with our latest advances and freshest thinking.
Food Grade Stainless Steel
While you cannot die cast food grade stainless steel, our metal injection molding process makes it possible to mold complex, corrosion resistant, stainless steel components.
Material Spotlight: Kovar
MIM alloys can be blended to meet all of a customer’s specifications and needs. Kovar, commonly referred to as MIM-F15, is one of the many MIM materials that we offer.
MIM Process Series Part 6: Sintering
Sintering is the final step in the MIM process. During this blog series, we’ve been through feedstock, compounding, molding, and debinding. This final blog post in the series will explain how a part goes from being “brown” to being complete.
MIM Series Part 5: Debinding
Debinding is our fifth part of the MIM101 blog series. This post will help you understand why debinding is a critical step in the MIM process.
MIM Series Part 4: Molding
Molding, the fourth part of our blog series on MIM, is focused on the pellets of the compounding being loaded into a MIM machine and producing a “green part”.
MIM Series Part 3: Compounding
In my last blog post, we focused on the feedstock that is required to perform metal injection molding (MIM). Today we will discuss the first step of the MIM process – compounding.
MIM Series Part 2: Feedstock
In my previous blog post – MIM 101, I discussed the MIM process at a very high level. As promised, this next topic in our series is on feedstock. There are four steps to the MIM process – compounding, molding, debinding, and sintering.
MIM Series Part 1
Many people ask me to explain what MIM is. This six-part series will help you understand the basics of MIM and the process your part would go through if MIM is the correct offering.
Investment Casting vs MIM: A complete guide
Deciding between processes? Learn about capabilities, material options, common applications, and more.